Open File Report 2019-09

Author(s) Date 2020-04-29

Earthquakes induced by oil and gas development activities have become a growing concern in Alberta in recent years. Industry can be required to collect and submit earthquake waveform data to the Alberta Energy Regulator. In this report we describe the process, naming convention, and location built to act as a repository to enable the required sharing and storage of submitted seismic information. The Scientific Induced Seismicity Monitoring Network (SCISMN, pronounced as "seism") was developed to support a data reporting requirement as part of compliance assurance and to improve access to data that enable scientific understanding of induced earthquakes. Industry waveform data required to be submitted under a traffic light protocol may be collated under SCISMN within the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS) data repository. Waveform data submitted in this manner are stored, managed, and disseminated (after a one-year embargo period) through IRIS and can be accessed under the temporary network code 2K (

We also summarize two of the currently active traffic light protocols within the province and provide an overview of the waveform data that has already been submitted into SCISMN and made available through IRIS pursuant to these protocols. We recommend a station naming practice for seismological vendors to observe when submitting data to SCISMNin order to avoid future station name conflicts as SCISMN grows. Overall, SCISMN provides a robust and transparent sharing mechanism for induced seismicity data.

Place Keywords

Schultz, R.J., Yusifbayov, J. and Shipman, T.C. (2020): The Scientific Induced Seismicity Monitoring Network (SCISMN); Alberta Energy Regulator / Alberta Geological Survey, AER/AGS Open File Report 2019-09, 10 p.