Memoir 02

Author(s) Date 1959-12-31

When the general decline of water levels in many of the deep wells in southern Alberta warned of a serious future problem, the Alberta Federation of Agriculture requested the Research Council of Alberta to investigate the groundwater conditions in this part of the province. Such an investigation was carried out during 1958 and 1959 on the Milk River sandstone, which is an extensive artesian aquifer in southern Alberta. The results of the study are presented in this report.

During the investigation, data were recorded pertaining to the depths of the wells drilled into the Milk River sandstone, the depths to water and the quality of the water; in addition, field tests were conducted on many of the wells to establish transmissibility values. Adequate control from electrologs, samples and drillers reports, together with a study of the outcrop area, supplied the necessary information to show the relationship between the geology and the hydrology of the Milk River sandstone. Short interviews with well owners gave a better understanding of the actual demand for water and the way in which the water from this particular aquifer is used.

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